Letha Dawson Scanzoni is an independent scholar, writer, editor, and writing consultant, specializing in the intersection between religion and social issues.
She has written and lectured on such topics as feminism, relationships of love and friendship, self-esteem and personal growth, human diversity, marriage and family living, divorce, aging and caregiving, sexuality and gender, sex ethics, social justice-oriented folk music, and physical and psychological family violence.
The author or coauthor of nine books, Letha served for 19 years as editor of Christian Feminism Today (formerly titled EEWC Update) in both its print and website forms. Letha retired from that position at the end of December, 2013.
In addition to her editing and article writing for EEWC-CFT, Letha wrote for several years the annotated “Link of the Day” feature, which replaced her former column called “Web Explorations for Christian Feminists” on the EEWC-CFT website. From July 2008 through November 2011, she coauthored with Kimberly B. George the 72-27 blog, subtitled “a cross-generational dialogue between two Christian feminists.” She later coauthored, with Melanie Springer Mock and Kendra Weddle, another blog called FemFaith—”an intergenerational conversation among three Christian feminists.”
Letha’s books have been published by HarperCollins, McGraw-Hill, Bantam, Abingdon, Eerdmans, and Westminster John Knox, among others. A list of the books she has authored or coauthored are found in a separate section of this website.
Over the years, her articles and book reviews have appeared in the Christian Century, Christianity Today, and Sojourners, among others. She has also written chapters for various edited volumes, including most recently,”Why We Need Evangelical Feminists” in New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views by Mary E. Hunt and Diann L. Neu, editors (Skylight Paths Publishing, 2010).
For more information about Letha, see Building Bridges: Letha Dawson Scanzoni and Friends, a recent book about her life and work by Kendra Weddle and Jann Aldredge-Clanton, published by Cascade Books in 2018. See Mark William Olson’s review in Christian Feminism Today (July 2, 2018).
An interview with Letha Dawson Scanzoni, conducted by Janine Cates Putman, was posted on the Christian Feminism Today website on March 21, 2019.